(787) 502 -3839 | [email protected]

I’m Capt. J. Ferguson. I’ve been licensed as a 100 ton Captain since 1989 and have been offering fishing tours in Vieques since 2006. I still get a thrill from fishing and enjoy providing the encouraging, specific coaching for the first-time saltwater angler. I also enjoy exchanging information and fish stories with seasoned fishermen experienced in both, saltwater and freshwater alike.
I learned from some of the pioneers of our sport – mostly old grouchy captains, and I’ve decided not to go that route. I enjoy what I do and have a positive attitude, which makes it more fun for all of us.
Deep sea and reef trolling is the type of fishing that we do simply because it’s what works best in these waters. Every day is a little different which keeps it interesting. An average day could include any combination of jacks, barracuda, mahi mahi, kingfish, wahoo, African pompano and once in a great while a sailfish or small marlin.

My boat is a 26 foot Panga with twin Yamaha outboards. The hull shape was arrived at because the World Bank realized the planet had an ever increasing demand for seafood, with many poor countries on major migratory paths but not enough working fisherman. They began the search for a super seaworthy and efficient boat to help solve the problem. Yamaha created the best design. It’s the workboat of the Caribbean, and I have found it to the ideal boat for Vieques fishing tours. It is the most seaworthy, easy riding boat in this size range in the long period seas that it was designed for.